Conor McGregor
UFC Fighter
Conor McGregor is a legend in the Octagon. A professional fighter since the age of 19, the Irish mixed martial artist won three Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) belts in an 18-month span and is one of only three fighters in the sport’s history to record knockouts across three different weight classes.
Conor’s unique fighting style and authentic connection with his global fanbase have earned him the title as the biggest pay-per-view draw in MMA, and he has been featured in five of the six highest-selling events in the sport’s history.
Behind his success is an insatiable drive to achieve peak performance. After an unexpected defeat, he turned to his team of leading experts to develop the McGregor FAST program. Now, Conor is living proof of the power of the transformation that can occur when athletes combine a championship mentality with a scientifically fueled training plan. He is widely considered one of the fittest athletes in the world and is ready to share his knowledge and motivation with people around the world hoping to complete transformations of their own.

Dr. Julian Dalby M.D.
Exercise Physiologist
"The Doc" is Conor McGregor's primary coach and founder of the FAST training system. An exercise physiologist and medical doctor by trade, he is responsible for overseeing Conor's daily workout schedules, nutrition, weight cuts and general fight preparation.
A former Olympic long-distance cyclist, he switched his training from pure endurance workouts to include more HIIT and speed training and became the Irish national sprint champion in the process. A nice bonus to this increased power and strength was that it allowed him to diversify into other sports. He ultimately set a Guinness World record in the deadlift, which extended well beyond the stamina training of long-distance cycling.
Doc's desire to create a conditioning program that would give maximum performance yields came from a combination of his own practical experiences and the input of world-leading experts in sport and physiology. He wanted to develop a system that would give people great speed and power and the ability to sustain both.
Now having proved the power of FAST through Conor's performance, Doc is ready to share the secrets and help you attain an unimaginable level of fitness.

Colin Byrne
Team McGregor Primary Trainer
If Conor McGregor is a well-oiled machine, Colin Byrne is the oil that makes sure everything runs smoothly at Team McGregor. Whether it's holding pads for Conor or being his cornerman during a UFC fight, Colin has the knowledge and practical experience to get the job done. When Conor approached Colin with a desire to improve his conditioning he made a wise choice.
A former professional cyclist and a European Silver medalist in BJJ, Colin has spent thousands of hours coaching students at "The Shinobi Academy", Portugal's first dedicated school of MMA that he started in 2009.
Colin is heavily featured in the McGregor FAST app and is committed to guiding members through their transformations in order to become the best possible versions of themselves.

FAST Instructors
These FAST instructors are here to support Conor, Doc, and Colin in guiding your fitness transformation. From follow-along workouts to motivation, tips, and tricks, this multidisciplinary team will be by your side as you train, learn, and live FAST.
The McGregor FAST App
Conor and his team have taken the core principles of FAST and developed an app just for you. Curated, purpose-driven workouts will improve your endurance, strength, and power, no matter what you’re training for.